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Strategic Planning

Every organization needs a plan to get where they want to go. 

Bell Consulting Services is uniquely equipped to help guide you through and past a variety of very common roadblocks to success.

Bell Consulting Services assists clients in creating sound consensus-building and decision-making processes that foster impactful strategic planning efforts.


As objective stewards of the process, we help organizations develop a common vision to drive strategic priorities, goals, and action plans that allow leadership to focus squarely on the issues that matter, and make informed decisions that shape and guide who they are, what they do, and why they do it, with a focus on the future.


Strategic planning can lead to a win. Our core areas of emphasis include business branding, public relations,  policy advocacy, community outreach and engagement, crisis and reputation management, and media relations. We utilize long-established relationships to gain allies for your project, and establish dialogue with key public to quickly respond to situations that might threaten to stall or deal a fatal blow to progress. 


1.  Assessment & Research

In this phase, we sit down with leadership to get a clear understanding of the vision and values of the organization, and determine what is the ultimate goal of a business marketing, public relations, legislative advocacy, or community outreach campaign.


Here, information gathered in the assessment and research phase is used to prepare a detailed plan of action by working with your leadership team to formulate a strategic road map and timeline, address potential challenges, outline how to deal with external pressures, and present strategic alternatives. 

2.  Strategy Development


3.  Refinement & Planning

In this step, we refine the strategy into more tactical and situational detail by creating daily and weekly objectives based on pre-determined parameters of engagement. At the conclusion, the client will receive an exhaustive report with the recommendations.


Having information is only half the battle. A well devised strategic plan is only useful if it is put into action...smartly and efficiently. This requires experienced project management skills, and a deep commitment to getting the job done.

4.  Implementation




The scope of work and timeline of a strategic planning process will vary depending on a variety of factors, including specific organizational needs and objectives targeted, and the depth to which every issue must be addressed.

A typical strategic planning process may include an organizational Needs Assessment, facilitation of planning sessions with you and your team, a comprehensive SWOT Analysis, and the development of a concrete, actionable plan.


Through our strategic consulting and facilitation services, we will work with you to define success and lay out an aggressive, yet realistic, plan to achieve it.

Strategic Planning Process

We are experienced strategic planning consultants who will work with you on establishing clarity on the issue at hand, and making smart decisions about how to realize your legislative or political campaign goals.


Good strategic planning involves making hard choices. You just don’t have the resources to go after everything that looks interesting. Strategy is about focus.

We help you to focus on those opportunities that present the best growth path for your organization.


Our proven planning process  covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Goals and objectives

  • Mission and vision

  • Strengths and weaknesses

  • Strategic competencies

  • Stakeholder building

  • Legislative opportunities

  • Opposition research

  • Trends analysis

  • Crisis management and resolution

  • Risk mitigation

  • Action plan development


Strategy Implementation

Without executing the strategic plan, you’re not going to see any benefits of the hard work that went into it. It’s the implementation that makes the strategy come alive.

We wouldn’t be doing our job as strategic planning consultants if we couldn’t assist you, if needed, with the implementation of the action plan. This keeps us in the loop, allowing us to monitor if the business strategy is working and whether any adjustments are necessary.

Not sure what you need? Let’s figure it out together.

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